TheĀ Live to ServeĀ Blog

Articles and media on all thingsĀ Ayurveda and Yoga, for students, practitioners, and people who are holistic health curious and conscious.

Pitta Dosha: An Apology Letter Jul 24, 2024

Hey hey, 

It’s me, your Pitta Dosha, coming in hot with an apology that’s long overdue. Let’s cut to the chase—I know I can be intense, and for all the fiery...

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Vata Dosha: An Apology Letter ayurveda health wellness yoga Jul 10, 2024

Hey girl, 

I hope this letter finds you in a gentle breeze, swirling with lightness and love. It's me, your Vata Dosha, and I wanted to take a moment to apologise for all the quirky things I...

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Ayurveda for Yoga: break free from dogma ayurveda yoga Jun 26, 2024

As a by-product of living in this fast-paced era, we’ve all (to some degree) become accustomed to seeking quick fixes and fast results, and sometimes I see people bringing this mindset to...

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3 Ways Anxiety is Leaving You Bankrupt May 29, 2024

(and how investing in self-care is the best thing you can do to offset its cost)

No one < no one > is immune to anxiety.

One of the most common experiences of mental disturbance, Anxiety...

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Hormones & Womenā€™s Health: Insights from Ayurveda & Yoga ayurveda women's health yoga Apr 05, 2024

Hormones are chemicals produced within and sent throughout your body to help regulate and control your bodys development. Women's health and their hormonal balance are greatly...

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Teaching Clinic: Hatha Yoga Immersion Apr 02, 2024

As yoga teachers, we dedicate ourselves to a lifelong journey of learning and growth. It's not just about mastering asanas or perfecting our teaching methods; it's about constantly evolving and...

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"My Dosha made me do it." ayurveda education sattva wellness yoga Apr 01, 2024

We have a saying in my community, “My Dosha made me do it.” Because that’s how it is sometimes! The influence of the doshas can be so strong that it will literally drive us to do...

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Ayurveda & Yoga for Children FREE ONLINE SESSION ayurveda children events health wellness yoga Feb 13, 2024

The sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga offer simple, profound techniques and wisdom to support children in feeling grounded and inspired throughout all stages of development.

Through simple, achievable...

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3 Doable Ayurvedic Nutrition Principles ayurveda health nutrition sattva Jan 02, 2024

Ayurvedic Nutrition can be polarizing in that it makes complete, perfect sense while feeling simultaneously confusing and overwhelming with the vast number of detailed guidelines. 

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60 Days of Sattva Challenge ayurveda challenge health sattva the sattva system yoga Dec 31, 2023

Kickstart your wholesome new lifestyle with the 60 Days of Sattva challenge! 
This challenge is for you if: 

> You want to feel more ease, energy and lightness in your mind and...

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Contributors to Disordered Eating Nov 05, 2023

Did you know that disordered eating patterns can stem from lifestyle and physiological factors?

  • Excessively Low or High Agni
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Micro Nutrient Deficiency
  • Blood sugar crashes
  • ...
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Ayurvedic Psychology: What is the Mind? Nov 05, 2023

Have you ever found yourself asking, ‘what (the actual) is (the deal with) my mind’?

Ayurveda and Yoga views the body and mind as being inextricably linked, material coverings that...

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