TheĀ Live to ServeĀ Blog
Articles and media on all thingsĀ Ayurveda and Yoga, for students, practitioners, and people who are holistic health curious and conscious.
Lately, I’ve been gently but firmly encouraging myself to better my habits and be mindful of how I spend my time.
In yoga it’s referenced a lot about being a slave to the...
Baddha Konasana, commonly known as Butterfly Pose, is a seated posture that invites both relaxation and a gentle opening through the hips and groin.
Butterfly Pose combines hip flexion,...
Yoga teacher training is one of the most relevant, exciting, inspiring and empowering training courses available in the marketplace (imo :p). It speaks to and directly serves the topmost needs of...
Mula Bandha, or Root Lock, is a subtle technique in yoga that engages and lifts the muscles of the pelvic floor (including the perennial and cervix region), providing stability to the lower...
Considering a Yoga Teacher Training but not sure how to balance it with work, family, or an already full schedule? Many of us (including myself) are juggling jobs, family commitments, and our...
As a busy woman juggling work, family, and life’s endless responsibilities and demands, the idea of starting a Yoga Teacher Training may feel overwhelming. Yet, if you’re craving a way...
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) is often considered the blueprint for all standing postures, serving as both a foundational pose and a point of reference throughout an asana practice. While it appears...
Choosing the right Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) is a big decision. Whether you’re looking to deepen your practice or begin your journey as a teacher, the course you select should resonate...
Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is a unique backbend that offers a combination of strength and flexibility. This posture encourages a deep opening through the front of the body, particularly the chest,...
Crow Pose (Bakasana) is an empowering and playful posture that's challenging, while at the same time inviting space for learning the process of patient, gradual development, and failing (and.or...
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