Ayurveda for Yoga: break free from dogma
Jun 26, 2024
As a by-product of living in this fast-paced era, we’ve all (to some degree) become accustomed to seeking quick fixes and fast results, and sometimes I see people bringing this mindset to Ayurveda > searching for perfect plans, all the answers, or another ‘diet’ they can blindly subscribe to while not having to take responsibility for the inner-work involved in attaining their health goals.
Firstly, Ayurveda is not a new-age theory or simply a 'complementary medicine'. Ayurveda is a dharmic science which means it’s based on the laws and principles that govern the universe. It’s a science of ‘what is,’ and is founded in observation, assessment, and discernment for treating medical issues, and supporting longevity and quality of life.
For example, if the skin is dry and irritated, through observation it can be determined that the skin/body needs hydration (which may be applied through diet, herbs, medicines, etc). Throughout the application process, by assessing the quality of the skin and observing the outcomes, decisions can be made on whether or not the treatment is plan effective. If it is, great, the treatment worked - problem solved. If not, observe, re-assess, and try another approach. Similar to any science, really.
In our day-to-day life, we don’t need to know how to treat medical conditions to apply this same thought process of Ayurveda. We can use this framework for monitoring and maintaining our own health, by developing our awareness of our mind, body, and our environment, and how what we consume through our senses (particularly what we eat) affects our state of health and wellbeing.
This means, rather than going head first into 'eating for your dosha type' (which is a fun starting point, but may lead to roadblocks and confusion), it’s really important to understand that the effectiveness of Ayurveda lies in our ability to consistently apply the principles while developing our awareness so that we can self-monitor to discern what works for us, and what doesn't.
This is why dogmatically following dosha plans and diets isn’t always the most beneficial way to approach Ayurveda. And quite often, it leaves people feeling confused and disempowered, second-guessing whether Ayurveda is 'right for them.' (Ayurveda is literally for everyone!)
Love and well wishes,
Sami xo